Accumulating knowledge to achieve sustainable success with AI

Open-source think tank focused on AI at scale
At Engage-Meta, we specialize in empowering enterprises to successfully implement AI and data solutions at scale through a refined, strategic framework built on three core pillars:
- TRAIDA – IT architecture for the implementation of AI systems, NoCode, and data solutions based on the TRAIDA framework (Transformative AI and Data solutions).
- AI KNOWLEDGE – Knowledge management for training AI systems.
- MINDSET – Promote the positive use of AI systems.
A fourth sphere complements the system to address financial aspects.
The practices of these spheres are universal and adapt according to the company’s context.
All content distributed by Engage-Meta is open-source and licensed under Creative Commons. Please, cite only ‘Engage-Meta.com’ when reusing our materials.
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Pierre Bonnet, the founder of the community
With over 30 years of experience in the computer industry as an expert in Enterprise Architecture and data governance, Pierre Bonnet is the founder of Engage-Meta.
Since 2022, he has been working with AI experts based in Vietnam. He is the originator and principal author of the TRAIDA framework for Transformative AI and Data Solutions. He is also an experienced entrepreneur in the tech and beverage industries. He has formalized an innovative approach to accumulating knowledge through a framework called META, which stands for Motion, Engagement, Treasury, and Assurance. This framework includes an additional process named WASI, which stands for Write, Analyze, Share, and Innovate. This process is essential for formalizing the knowledge needed to train AI systems and fostering a positive mindset to optimize AI use.
To contact me: pierre.bonnet@hlfl-consulting.com
My last book (Available on Amazon)
A lot of books on entrepreneurship are biographies of successful entrepreneurs or best practices on how to make a fortune. The former recount inspiring journeys but ones which are difficult to reproduce; the latter are often too academic. Some propose original methods for business management, but the practices are more targeted to specific entrepreneur profiles like start-ups.
These points of view are complementary, and I wanted to collate them in a single guide. To do so, I have had to step back from my own entrepreneur story to be able to derive a sufficiently universal framework from it that is not limited to my individual experience. As I like to formalize my knowledge, it was a good challenge to put pen to paper.
If you want to PARTNER WITH US
Using the WASI process (Write, Analyze, Share, Innovate) to transform tacit knowledge (both individual and collective) into explicit knowledge across the organization and to better train AIs. More information HERE.
In addition to the evolution towards AI and associated data management, it is also worthwhile to study the contribution of NoCode solutions to accelerate return on investment and enhance the power of deploying new solutions. Although NoCode is not a new approach, its combined use with AI is a game-changer. Discover how with the example of the startup Drinkizz HERE.
Discover our consulting services
Discover our CATALOG OF SERVICES (PDF), starting with our TRAIDA Masterclass (PDF, 180+ slides).
The origin of the community by Pierre Bonnet
My dual skills in entrepreneurship and data management with digitalization feeds on my engineering spirit that loves method and formalization. However, to be able to model and put knowledge in writing is not common in engineering. My education taught me that analysis and written formalization are assets for success. In a context where agile methods are often not well-used (too intense trial-error process) and digitalization is too IT oriented, this ability to model and write is rare. You probably have seen it around you and perhaps in your own way of working.
The Engage-Meta community places more emphasis on formalizing knowledge in order to increase the relevance of analysis. Once the formalized approach is adopted, the execution is carried out with less stress, and more resilience on the road to success. It was therefore natural for me to set the example of this formalization in my own fields of expertise. I then created the META Framework. Each letter of the META forms an element in which the knowledge of an area of expertise is listed: Motion (to launch), Engagement (to act), Treasury (to finance) and Assurance (to protect). The Greek prefix meta expresses the idea of stepping back and taking time for analysis to better manage and accumulate knowledge. It is part of the DNA of the Engage-Meta community.
Today, the ability to clearly articulate knowledge in writing is fundamental for effectively utilizing AI. Your AI prompts should not be reduced to just a few lines but should resemble detailed briefs that help reduce hallucinations and increase the quality control of AIs. The META framework will help you organize your knowledge to better share it with others and with AIs. By enhancing your writing, analysis, sharing, and innovation skills, you will increase your ability to leverage AI. This is the process we refer to as WASI: Write, Analyse, Share, Innovate.
Because the META framework and the WASI process are universal, they can be reused in all areas of expertise. In a world of increasing complexity, knowledge is the fuel to improve your efficiency, better engage your teams and achieve your goals.
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Our publications are open-source (Creative Commons) and free to use. You can reuse and enrich them in your own commercial and educational activities, provided that you cite the source: “www.engage-meta.com”